For the third year in a row, we bred Maya 14Z to Mr Beef and for the third year, we were very happy with the results. This genetic combination has produced the top of the replacements and the top of the bull pen each year, and this year we are ready to offer it to someone else. Beef 465A has been leaving us with a very consistent group of replacement females, consistent in moderate size, virtually identical marked with their dark coats and red eyes, and together as a sire group, our highest weighing calves at weaning for the third year. 14Z is a cow that goes back to both Tank 45P and Torant 440T, and she lives up to her potential every year. She has weaned over 60% of her body weight every year in production, with no creap added. Sold in the 2017 Season Finale Hereford Event to reapeat bull and female buyer Ken Crouch, 38E is a female which would certainly earn her spot in our program, so we hope she can go out and earn her spot in Crouch's herd as well.