We work very closely with Dr Waylon Wise at CCHMS; Crossfield Alberta. We have been enrolled in both CCHMS and on Herdtrax for a number of years, and we are proud to present data collection and real in-herd numbers to back our cattle. We follow strict vaccine and herd health protocols, and collect weights and measurements at various points during life. Indexing and ranking are a pivotal part of our culling process, and we hold the purebred and commercial cows on par.
Our cattle are fed a TMR ration, and all of our feed sources are nutrient and protein tested. Our mineral is tailored by Blue Rock Animal Nutrition; Innisfail Alberta.
Our cattle do not receive hoof trims, and cattle that are preg checked open are entirely culled from the herd immediately.
We calve in April/May for a 60 day interval.